This installation at consisted of a film short and a collection of 25 Van Dyke photographic prints.
The body of work was in response to a residency based in Banff, Canada. The performative work drew on a daily walking meditation carried out by the artist on Sleeping Buffalo Mountain, a sacred site of vision quests for First Nation Peoples. The moment of ‘Topping Out’ at the summit of the mountain was documented in a series of Van Dyke photographic processes, using found materials at the site. Temporal Sequencing the associated 9min film shot explored our relationship with the neurophysiology of time, sequencing of time our relationship to site.
The text quoted in the film short is from "The Master And His Emissary" By Ian McGilchrist. The remaining text is by the artist. The clock mentioned in the film is an 18th cnetury French grandfathers clock which has been in continuous usage and currently lives in Canada. Taoist walking meditation involves walking in circles for many hours.
This project was supported by grants From Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Ireland And The Arts Council Of Ireland.